Danske Mesterskaber & Europamesterskaber 20190 Tilmeldinger

Regatta Dato: 2019-01-26

Der er lukket for tilmelding til denne regatta


OBS! Late registrations:
As a consequence of a large number of late registrations we have been forced to close the tool. Please send late registrations by e-mail to
[email protected]

Banking information.
Bank: Nordea Bagsvaerd branch
Account: 2261-8410020077
IBAN: DK3320008410020077

Para races.
We welcome para athletes to the event. Para athletes must be classified by FISA in order to participate. The list of FISA classified athletes can be found at http://www.worldrowing.com/para-rowing/.

Athletes wishing to become classified at this event must have all documentation completed (FISA Diagnostic form and supplemental medical documentation) as described in the FISA guidelines on http://www.worldrowing.com/para-rowing/ and submitted by their National Federation through the FISA pre-classification portal. This documentation must be entered no later than 26 December 2018. The classification panel will take place in Copenhagen at or near the competition venue the day before the event, i.e. on 25 January 2019. We will send more detailed information directly to candidates no later than 3 January 2019. For questions about classification, please email [email protected].

All para athletes must bring their own tools and fixtures required for racing on a standard Concept2 erg.




Ergometerreglement (april 2017); se https://roning.dk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Reglement-for-ergometerroning_Godkendt-på-HGF_2017.pdf.
Rules of racing, English version: http://eric2019.com/PDF/Danish%20rules%20for%20ergometer%20rowing%20APPROVED.pdf

Tillæg til reglement / Addendum to rules: http://eric2019.com/PDF/Addendum%20to%20Danish%20rules%20for%20ergometer%20rowing%20APPROVED.pdf


Intet mandskabsledermøde / No team manager meeting.

Adresse: Gladsaxe Sportscenter, Vandtårnsvej 55, 2860 Søborg

Figuren viser antal tilmeldte sæder for de forskellige klubber